So you're looking for Ravenyote...

Hey, I'm Jaybird, better known as Uragani or Ravenyote online. He/Him/They pronouns, please.I produce tons of content over a variety of multimedia, from art, to writing, to carved bones & stones, and tarot readings. I'm a jack of all trades, if you can think of it, I probably dabble. This card is straight up just a landing page for people to find me across the web, get a hold of my commission details, and get up to date information about me quickly and easily. Down below is all the major links that I'm available at!To start though, Self Promo Discord where I post art, alert for new commissions, and interact with the community. If you want to keep an eye on me or get in contact, that's where to lurk. Remember to accept the rules in the role room to fully enter!

You can find me at the following links!

Advanced About Me

So, you wanna know more about me? Here we go... I was born in 1989, and never stopped existing, go figure. I have Aquarius in sun, with ascendant Cancer, and a Virgo moon for anyone who cares about that. I'm Queer; Masc-Genderqueer and Pansexual at a minimum. I'm a loudmouth, and blunt as heck, and have spicy ND brain. I consider myself a Novelling Guru, Professional Artist, Problem-solver, Coding Aficionado, Avid Gardener, Experienced Stone/Bone/Wood Carver, Excessive Roleplayer, Novice Taxidermist, Seasoned Chef, Punster, Junior Carpenter, Amateur Survivalist, Ink-maker, Occultist, Spider Wrangler, Bookbinder, Devil's Advocate, and a Purveyor of Pelts and Bones. In short, a Jack-of-All-Trades who reads too much and then runs outside and tries it out. I can do more than this list says, and I will do more than this says, and I definitely know about more than what this list says.I'm an artist and have been posting work online since I was 13 years old (2002). I've also drawn hundreds of successful paid commissions, and currently work as a freelance digital artist. I stream on Twitch, Picarto if it's NSFW. I also do traditional works, and play with such things as acrylic paint, watercolor, charcoal, alcohol marker, ink, and colored pencils. I can also transfer designs to bone, stone, and wood to be carved, and so I've sold carved pendants of these designs. I gravitate towards skulls, geometric designs, and flowers because I'm very basic and probably a hipster.I'm an 11 time NaNoWriMo winner. I've published absolutely nothing except on fanfiction sites, although I'd like to change that, and my writing is alarmingly for my own pleasure. I like horror, occult, crime, and mystery novels as well as exploring the darkest grey areas of the psyche. I also love coming-of-age comedy and high fantasy and sci-fi so your mileage may vary. I love working with plot holes, character development, and worldbuilding. If I'm not writing, I'm roleplaying, which is just multiplayer novel writing anyways.Faith-wise, I'm an eclectic hedgewitch who looks up to Loki, Dionysus, and Bast. I am not wiccan, I do not follow the rede. I think placebo effect is a good enough reason to like crystals, and I believe in science and vaccinations... and ghosts. Whoops. I'm a fount of random damn facts and ideas, which means I'm huge into actual factual science as much as I am into mythology, and generally a big dorkus supreme. I love gardening a little too much, and I can tell you all about which plants will cure your cough by relieving inflammation, and will which cure your cough by killing you where you stand. The second approach is a bit baby out with the bathwater, but you do you. Go to a doctor anyways.Tada, the Jaybird!

Commission Prices

Here's my commission prices and details, so you can quickly check if I'm in your price range!
You can find art samples at my Tumblr, Instagram, or Self-Promo Discord on the Home Page.
All prices are in USD! Painted pieces require a quote, so prices are estimated.

Completion LevelsHeadshotBustWaistKneesFull Body
Fully Shaded$70$90$100$110$120
Painted (Monochrome)~$100~$120~$130~$150~$200
Painted (Full-Color)~$150~$180~$200~$250~$300

Multiple Characters: (#)x(Base Price) | Complex Elements: Quote Only
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